Sunday, August 17, 2008

Local Uni

I dun understand why secondary can allow like Christian fellowship,persatuan Buddhist.but in local uni,all these are restricted,or more ridiculous,they allow it at Bangi the main campus but noy in UKMKKL..its super duper weird..whats wrong with wearing others clothing than pants and colar t shirt??its just like a secondary school..sometimes im still wondering am i really in a university????oh my god!!!

Life is very pack everysingle day,but i dun really know what have i really done..cos everyday class then eat then study then lots of assignment,super sien group discussions which normally takes ages to coem to a conclusion..

I am born a Malaysian Chinese,I am so involved with AFS which i thot i can really be a peaceful ppl//but sometimes my hub Etnik lecturer,he is just so irritating,like very extreme,trying to brainwash us..i really wanna study the real history of malaysia,not the altered version by the government..

Last weeks had a big fight with my boyfriend,its quite dumb cos its just like before ,during and after his 21st was really bad..and i was really really sad over it..but times seems to wash off my memories,im not that angry and mad at him anymore..god its really not so easy to stay in a relationship...gotta tolerate,..

midsem is coming,super alot to study which i haven't even start yet.gan cheong a!

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