Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Get over it

Today went bangi for the Pesta Konvo,duty in pameran but i use all my time to talk to Beatrice and KK,it was really nice meeting back my old friends,such a familiar feeling...Knowing that Beat oso facing similar problem with me,as she said we are the shining stone that hard to be covered,we'll shine one day..we share quite the same opinion bout all the uni activities and lame we wish we'll be all in a same campuis,with Beat,me,KK waihan...Even thou kk is the course King he doesn't look as happy..shouldn't he be the most happening person among us??

I got over with my Pesta Tanglung depression,should think positive and i'l get a chance to do it..Thanks Bro!!!

Gotta see Dean tmr,cos class will end at 10 am then go and see her..i really pray hard that she will take me into consideeration,cos my german teacher just email me to get my documents for the scholarships somewhen in the office..such a bitchy thing to turn down the scholarship i can't do!!!!

Midsem is coming,this 2 weeks gotta study hard!!!sumore kc BDAY IS around the corner only..

I am really glad that when im sad i have ppl to turn to,im happy that im fine now!!!!

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