Tuesday, August 5, 2008


LAst sunday after gatehring with seniors slept at 3am i still very determined to the audition at our campus.All the way..all this while i have been assuming that im really good in acting,i can really gifted and stuff..the audition ..i admit that i din really kuo chu qu..i din really act fully,but i thot i'll be selected...

THis afternoon i overheard a girl got selected for the acting part..i have no news..so this means quite obvious rite?the reason why im so keen to act is becos the teachers who are teaching they are really professionals,and u c an really learn a lot fr them without paying a single cent and its such a big theatre,big production,over 3000 ppl will be watching..and u get to work with many ppl,all sort of ppl,what a nice activities..will eb very busy but ut really worth it!!and the audition like nobody except all teh freshie will go,kc ask why i dun try it next year,but next year wil be very busy and nobody will be going..very sien one..

Yday i got to know my frens were seleced for our school one and only one chinese society comitte member.I went to the interview and fly my friends aero becos of the interview,butim not selected,i dun see why..i have always been a leader and its really hard for me now to be a follower.see now,if im not a comitte member then i'll only join without giving any comment,their lame activities,or in other word,i'd really like to participate in organinsing an activity..why im not selected?

as for sports,ok im not particularly good or bad,missed the chance to represent my kolej..which minimise my chance in stayin in the school hostel//my mum says stay in hostel will be much better cos save all the transportation time and stuff..but its too late..why should i do?

My coursemates,i dunno,quite hard to explain.yes we are kinda close cos there are only 20 of us.but i dunnola...

i registered in many societies but the activities they offer very lame one,like duty,stay at sick bay and duty..i just dun get the ppl who ae of sameinterest as me and go for the same thing...my coursemate like all dun wanna take part..

Life has been really easy for me all the while.I had an easy life until this point of time in my life..I always get what i want in my life but i dunno why all of a sudden its not like that anymore.Is it true that everyowe has their own peak and low time in life?Or its give and take,when u get a bf and u'll eventually lose something>?>can't be that greedy?

Should i venture out?Was quite sad that im nots o involved with AFS.I dunno why i can;t really click in my afs's frens anymore,the topic the humour is like so different fr mine and i can't rally enjoy the conversation and mix well with them..its really sad and depressing..ppl fr my badge all overseas..m i so weird or what??

what u really want in life?

1 comment:

yuan said...

Have you ever heard that all those success in their life never had any disappointment , or failure in their life? As what you said, you always get what you want, you always think yourself is good and smart..This is a good chance for you to see yourself better, a chance for you to grow. There must be a reason that you are not chosen, not that you are not good, is that the people who do the selection do not think that you suit them. It is not about good or not good, is that they think you are sutiable or not. Art is always very personal, is not mathematics, really depends on the judge. So, just get over these, take this chance to improve yourself,until you have the ability that next time whoever the judge also will choose you.Take a good rest, you still a long journey to go, this is just a small bumpy part that u passing by. You are absolutely brilliant and charming. That is no doubt. Get over this, who knows there is another bigger chance waiting for you ahead.