Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Turning down NUS

Hmm finally i wrote a email to NUS telling that im not GOING>>>could have much nicer sports facilities,could have the chance to be fashionable,could have the chance to go France for exchange,could have the chance to improve my german..hmm feel really berat hati to send the email..BUt sometimes things gotta be done,decision gotta be done..


Even though sometimes i'll still think is it this that i really want?I want to go thru all these IO orientation,called the eldest?studying all bones and muscles??or a more adult uni liek in NUS??

see my god why am i complaining??nope nope//

1 comment:

yuan said...

Nothing to regret, life is all about choices. One leads to another. You will always gain something no matter what choice you made.A few years back, I always think what would happen if I did not come to Japan and choose to live in Malaysia to become a doctor..If not coming to Japan, I will not have get known Shanti, and ivan boy will not be here..We cannot predict the future, that what made the decision making difficult.No matter better or worse, take it and grow with it. This is make you a better person. Love you and hope you be happy all the time. Remeber, no matter what, we will alwys be your side.