Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Turning down NUS

Hmm finally i wrote a email to NUS telling that im not GOING>>>could have much nicer sports facilities,could have the chance to be fashionable,could have the chance to go France for exchange,could have the chance to improve my german..hmm feel really berat hati to send the email..BUt sometimes things gotta be done,decision gotta be done..


Even though sometimes i'll still think is it this that i really want?I want to go thru all these IO orientation,called the eldest?studying all bones and muscles??or a more adult uni liek in NUS??

see my god why am i complaining??nope nope//


Hmm what should i start with my first post?everything has been new to stepping to another stage in my a uni student now hey!!!and in UKM,how proud to bein UKM???

Was quite sick today,mum came to hostel and visit me + homecook food,i told her no need but she insist wanna see her touched,cos cheras and titiwangsa is quite a distance oso is when i think,hey studying here is not that bad at all..even though now i still can'y breathe thru both of my nostrils.

And what is new to me,i have a boyfriend now.haha..and he is Mr Soo Kar Chien,a guy fr my primary,(same class but like strangers last time cos u know that time were too shy..)I really dun understand why ppl here,especially seniors are so curious about if u have a boyfriend or gf or not..and they ask alot about it..its funny rite..haha dun worry mR SOO i feel very proud everytime describing u to them!!and i got a bouquet of flower fr him becos he think im angry cos he can't entertain me during his work lou!now i have a big bouquet of flowers lying on my bed,decorating my hostel room,even though i still can't breathe normally..

Uni is diff fr what i have expected,i was expecting it to be more independent but its not..prob its malaysian uni culture,everything is just so pampered..we are taken care of everything..hmm what i really want in life?sometimes i complains alot about this and that in my life but indeed i made the choice myself!what is there so much to complain??should i opt for a uni thatis in spore,top ranking,competitive,a real uni with campus,enable me to do french and further my german,got financial aids,///or should i stay in malaysia and be a xing fu xiao nu ren???hmm..sometimes i'll really thought bout it..but..time really flies//after 4 weeks of semester,i still dunno much,like i involved in those coco more than could that be??

Went to HUKM today for observation,saw many babys,old folks..seeing them really makes me feel like i should appreciate my life and what i ahve not only complaining,its not easy to be able to life ur hand normally,to eat and to feel comfortable all the time..we shouldn't take it for granted..

I start to like my course,its not"bloody",and yet i can see myself helping alot of ppl..(in the future)or at least it makes me appreciate my life more..really pity seeing patients in hospitals..haha..afteralll is it a rite choice to choose to work here?seeing sad faces all the time/??if its not me,who else???such noble job ..haha